LETTER: Many questions are involved in lawsuit

I find it utterly ridiculous that TAKE2Interactive is being sued for producing violent video games. Would you sue Arnold Schwarzenegger for starring in violent films? Would you sue a Eminem for violent lyrics?

Why aren’t the parents of the children who did the shootings being sued for allowing them to purchase violent games? If the parents didn’t buy the game, why hasn’t the store that sold them the game been sued? More important than that is why were guns given to these kids?

True, they could have been imitating what they saw in the video game, but where were their parents to tell them killing is bad? Who forgot to teach them not to aim guns at people in real life? Instead of bringing a lawsuit against the company that made the game, why aren’t the parents accountable?

There is no excuse for a game that is rated for “Mature” content to be in the hands of 14- and 16-year-olds. It is too bad that innocent people have to get hurt by the hands of the stupid, but it’s about time parents are made accountable for making sure their children know how to be functional members of society. Instead of suing TAKE2interactive for personal gain, sue the parents as a wake up call to society that raising kids involves more than sating their every desire.

Andrew Thompson

