LETTER: Accountability lacks in abortion debate

The recent articles both for and against abortion got me thinking. I was forced to ask myself why someone would want to kill a baby — and, yes, abortion is the killing of a baby.

There are only three instances in which I can find abortion would be acceptable, but only in the first or maybe even early second trimesters. First, if the baby has genetic disorders that would prevent him/her from having a good quality of life. Second, if the woman is raped, because the woman had no choice in getting pregnant. Third, if the mother is at risk.

The third case is the only one in which I could find a second trimester abortion acceptable. All others should be in the first.

There should be no controversy over partial-birth abortions. If a baby has a heartbeat, then it is a person.

A baby doesn’t even have to reach full term in the mother. If there is a chance of complications, the baby may be birthed by drug-induced labor or a C-section.

So why would anyone want to kill a baby? It all boils down to a lack of responsibility. Most of what is wrong in society is the lack of responsibility people take for themselves.

As a society, we need to learn to call things by their true names. This is apparent in medical school. Now they are training doctors to tell someone they are “fluffy” or “well-nourished” instead of obese or fat. Yes, it is a nicer way of putting it, but does it do the person any good? No! Some people need to be told things straight out. If it doesn’t sting when something is wrong, there is no reason to fix it.

We as a society need to see this and take responsibility for our actions rather than just blame something or someone else.

Ben Howe

