Anatomy of a Ghost uses word of mouth to build its fan base

Dante Sacomani

Some bands play for years in garages and basements trying to slowly build a solid fan base, while others have the luck and opportunity to get signed before losing ambition and gaining disdain for the industry.

Formed slightly over a year ago in September 2002, Anatomy of a Ghost is part of the lucky group. The band has already managed to land a record deal with Fearless Records, has released a debut full-length album and spent a summer touring.

Anatomy of a Ghost got its break last October when the band was asked to fill in at a record label showcase.

“We played five songs. I only sang on two of them,” says vocalist John Gourley. “It was just luck. We were in the right place at the right time.”

Even though the band was signed in such a short period of time, it was able to generate a generous amount of buzz for itself based on word of mouth and a handful of live performances.

Before its debut album, “Evanesce,” was released, the band had already had over 20,000 downloads of its MP3s posted on the Internet.

“I don’t understand how any of that stuff works, it’s too much to take,” Gourley says. “We’re just lucky.”

Anatomy of a Ghost’s style of rock is layered with hardcore-influenced screams, emo-style lyrics and dual guitar melodies.

“I don’t think I’d be able to label it,” Gourley says. “We try to deliver a message with a sense of urgency.”

Although critics have tried to pigeonhole the band with broad terms such as screamo or post-hardcore, the members of Anatomy of a Ghost avoid labeling themselves, especially when genres of music are too vague to clearly define.

“It’s an easy way to lump every single new band into one category,” Gourley says.

Labels aside, the band lets its music and live show speak for themselves.

Since being signed, the members have been on tour to prove themselves.

“It’s really weird — before you go on tour, the view of [the industry] is so much different than being part of it,” Gourley says.

The young band has faced its share of ups and downs during the time spent on the road, such as guitarist Dewey’s Halpaws’ jump into a drum set that required an early morning trip to the hospital and stitches in his back.

Despite the obstacles on the road, band members are optimistic about the opportunity to tour and expose new people to their music.

“We get up there and have fun,” Gourley says. “We play the same show whether there’s one person in the audience or 50.”

Who: Anatomy of a Ghost

Where: Botanical Center, 909 E. River Dr., Des Moines

When: 7 p.m. Monday

Cost: $6