LETTER: Society too uptight about race issues

I once thought there was a chance we could all be tolerant to each other and to different cultures and races.

Apparently, I was horribly mistaken.

You know you are tolerant of someone else’s ideas and backgrounds when you are able to joke about them with that person without causing offense. I call this the “Tolerant Test.” However, this never happens in our society.

Many people who claim to be defenders of civil rights are not tolerant themselves.

Someone says a joke that involves a black person — that’s racist!

A black individual is arrested for murder — the cops must be racist!

There aren’t enough minorities in a certain job — everyone must be racist!

Give me a break.

Ever heard of the new “Ghettopoly” game? Well, that goes along the same lines. We’ve been making fun of “white trash” on TV, in books and in jokes for years, but there is nowhere near the same backlash as there is for Ghettopoly.

Do you know why this is? People need to understand that some things are jokes. Yes, some people may be offended, but that’s what most jokes do.

Ghettopoly is no different. It is a joke — it does not imply all black people are that way.

Sometimes people need to learn to take jokes less seriously, even when they think it involves them.

David Chang, maker of Ghettopoly, has the right to his free speech and so do those who buy the game. No one is being hurt by it.

If you disagree with the game, you have the choice to spend your money elsewhere.

William Lincoln

