LETTER: Fair notice deserved for student layoffs
October 9, 2003
Today is my last day working for the Department of Residence.
The problem is, I just found out this was my last day 10 minutes ago.
I am a hall desk assistant at the Knapp/Storms Hall Desk.
I have been aware of the budget cuts, but was always reassured I would be able to keep my job, especially after reading in the Daily, “The only exception of eliminating desk assistants may be Knapp Hall due to the low number of students working there, [John] Shertzer, [Residence Life Coordinator], said.”
But today I was informed by another desk assistant that today would be my last day.
When I was a resident assistant in Knapp Hall last year, I had to give the DOR at least three months notice as to whether or not I would be returning the following fall as an RA.
But when the DOR decides to fire me, they don’t even tell me.
I am very upset over the way the DOR handled this situation, and confused at what these budget cuts are really all about.
My monthly paycheck totals approximately $100. I can barely afford a month’s worth of groceries with my paycheck.
So what could be so important to the DOR to take away my $100? Well, let’s see … A hotel-like dorm coincidently called “The Suites”? A multimillion dollar “community center” (which really isn’t a center for the community at all)? Even the chair at the Eaton Hall Desk is worth more than $100.
I think DOR officials need to get their heads checked. Closing Knapp/Storms may save the DOR some money, but the two staff members on each floor in all of the “Fresh Start” halls, the extravagant new buildings and the all-around waste in the interest of appealing to prospective freshmen’s parents are doing more to increase the cost of living than keeping a few hall desk workers in Towers employed.
At least desk assistants do some work.
Kelly Considine