LETTER: Medicare program right of Americans
September 3, 2003
Yes, Medicare is flawed. Yes, it is costing U.S. taxpayers a lot of money. Yes, the policies detailed by Amy Peet in her Sept. 3 column, “Providing for oneself punished in U.S. society,” on Wednesday do not make much sense.
However, her statement that the Medicare program and its policies contribute to “a national mentality of entitlement,” penalizing those Americans who are fortunate enough to afford health care, is absurd. What’s wrong with discounted health care? Aren’t decent human beings supposed to try to take care of one another and help one another when it is necessary?
Ms. Peet also mentioned that part of being American is being independent and hardworking, which is true, but that the idea of Medicare makes our society lazier, thus breeding “a national mentality of entitlement.” I don’t feel there is a problem with being entitled to help from the government. They are supposed to be here to serve us, after all. And isn’t entitlement one of the foundations of our society that sets it apart? According to the Bill of Rights, Americans have the right to freedom of speech and religion, among many other rights. They were recorded so all citizens know they are entitled to these rights as Americans.
The next time Ms. Peet wants to write about flaws in government aid programs, she should just stick to the facts.
Laura Messer