ClubFest displays wide variety of campus organizations for student involvement

Xiomara Levsen

Student organizations and clubs will have an opportunity to strut their stuff at Wednesday’s ClubFest.

ClubFest will be held from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the Memorial Union ballrooms, said Laura Bestler-Wilcox, program coordinator for the dean of students office. The event has taken place for over 15 years. ClubFest helps students find their niche at Iowa State, Bestler-Wilcox said.

“It’s an opportunity for students to meet other students from clubs and organizations on campus,” she said. “ClubFest also lets students see what the clubs and organizations have to offer.”

ClubFest helps to promote some of the 600 organizations that are eligible to participate, Bestler-Wilcox said.

“This year we have 167 different clubs and organizations participating as of Friday,” she said. “Some of the organizations and clubs participating are ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) at Iowa State to Cyclone Leadership to the Student Union Board.”

Every year, over 3,000 students attend this event, Bestler-Wilcox said.

“If a student is looking to get involved in clubs and organizations and doesn’t know where to start, ClubFest is a good way to look around,” Bestler-Wilcox said.

Lisa Kratz, program coordinator of the Memorial Union, said the Student Union Board likes to get involved with ClubFest because of the good turnout.

“It’s one of the biggest events of the year and we like to be a host to student events,” she said.

The Student Union Board has been involved with ClubFest for almost 10 years, Kratz said. The Student Union Board also hosts events through out the school year.

Some of the events they host include music at the M-Shop, Student Union Board films every Thursday through Friday night and student art exhibitions and competitions in the Memorial Union, she said.

“This is one of the best ways for student organizations and clubs to show what they have to offer,” Kratz said.