LETTER: Religious ‘fanatics’ blow off tolerance
September 18, 2003
I have a response to Elizabeth DeVilder’s Sept. 15 letter, “Evangelism teaches about consequences.”
I would like to say that Elizabeth DeVilder’s argument was hardly effective on me. She did give one good point on why Tom the evangelist doesn’t fit into her beliefs, but saying that he’s always talking doctrine and dogma is hardly a good argument for a Christian. That is about all Christians do.
The problem is that many people involved in religion are fanatical about proving their religion is “right,” forgetting to be kind to people who don’t believe in it.
In extreme historical cases such as the Crusades and the Inquisition they resorted to violence to enforce their beliefs. People need to realize they are a part of a particular religion because they were born into a family who held those beliefs. Many times we forget this or don’t realize what really matters.
William Tymeson