City Council to discuss correction to zoning laws

Ayrel Clark

The Ames City Council will perform a first read on an ordinance to amend an inconsistency in city zoning regulations at its meeting Tuesday.

Apartment-like houses in residential medium- and high-density areas are labeled single family dwellings, which restricts them to three unrelated individuals, Councilwoman Sharon Wirth said. The three unrelated individuals rule applies to only residential areas zoned low-density, she said.

“We were surprised to learn [about the conflict] because in apartment houses you’re allowed higher occupancy,” Wirth said.

People feel like the occupant limit should never have applied in high density residential zones, she added.

Mayor Ted Tedesco said the ordinance would create a “dwelling house” if passed.

“It would allow one per bedroom, with a maximum of five unrelated persons,” Tedesco said.

Councilman Russ Cross said the change would correct an inconsistency in the city’s zoning ordinance.

“[The amendment is] to correct a conflict,” Cross said. “It is consistent with what it would be like in an apartment building.”

The council will also vote on a resolution for funding an educational campaign on occupancy limits in the city.

Tedesco said the program will help students and residents communicate about problems with occupancy.

“[The program will show students and residents] how to do things together, get along together, work together,” he said.

Block parties to give residents and students a chance to meet each other are being considered, Tedesco said.

Wirth said the educational campaign will put out publications and speak with groups about occupancy issues. The city has already added a section to the City of Ames Web site,, in order to educate the public about occupancy restrictions.

“It’s a great idea,” she said.

Cross said the education program will help clear up any confusion residents have.

“We’re making every effort possible to minimize people saying, ‘You caught me by surprise,'” Cross said.

The plan for the new recreation and aquatics complex will also be discussed at the meeting.

The council will be asked to approve a master plan for the complex by RGD Sports, Tedesco said. The estimated cost to construct the facility is $23.6 million.

Tedesco said the council also needs to ensure the recreation and aquatics complex will be built at the same time as the new Ames Middle School.

“If we can coordinate these projects, we can save hundreds of thousands of dollars in building,” he said.

The city will also save money because the facility will be connected to the middle school and able to use the middle school’s gymnasiums after school hours, Cross said.

“By sharing facilities, we are able to share gym space,” he said.

Cross said by sharing gym space the city will save an estimated $2.1 million.

Tedesco said a support group has formed to lead the campaign for a bond issue to fund the facility. A bond date may be discussed as early as the end of September, he said.

The council meeting will be held at 7 p.m. in the City Council Chambers at Ames City Hall, 515 Clark Ave.