LETTER: Coverage differences make racism evident

Racism rears its ugly head in many ways.

Jessica Lynch has signed a million-dollar book deal about her horrible experiences as a soldier in Iraq. She is portrayed as a national hero.

I mean in no way to diminish the sacrifices made by Ms. Lynch; however, it is our government, military and media who have made her a “national hero.” She was injured in an attack by Iraqi soldiers and was taken as a prisoner of war, but is reported as having no memory of the event. She never fired her weapon and was not shot.

However, Pvt. Shoshana Johnson received multiple gunshot wounds and was also taken prisoner of war. She isn’t getting a million-dollar book deal. Why? She is African-American, not a blonde white girl. This is yet another tragedy of a war we shouldn’t be in.

Jessica Lynch is a hero and so is Shoshana Johnson. We have 150,000 “national heroes” who are making huge sacrifices and many are losing their lives.

Dennis Ethington


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