17-0 start leads ISU women’s rugby team into 2003 fall season

Eric Wilson

After going 8-1 last year, the ISU women’s rugby team is trying to maintain that level of play with many new players.

The team began preparation for conference matches and played their first preseason match last week.

“We lost a couple of key positions, but a lot of the new [players] are stepping up,” said team captain Jenny Jaspers, sophomore in exercise and sport science.

“We have a lot of athleticism on the team,” she said.

The team plays three preseason matches before Midwest pool play begins September 27.

“The first matches will be used to get people into positions and give the new girls [match] experience,” Jaspers said.

The team moved up a division last year and went 8-1, finishing fifth in the Midwest and in the top 25 in the nation. The team missed a trip to nationals by one match, but players don’t expect that to happen this year.

“Any less than nationals or a top three ranking in the Midwest is a disappointment,” said coach Scott Ukeiley, adjunct instructor in naval science.

“Our peak [match] is Wisconsin on [Sept.] 27th.”

The women won their first preseason match 17-0 against St. Cloud State in St. Cloud, Minn., Saturday.

“It was awesome,” Jaspers said. “A lot of new [players] played and got good experience.”

Jaspers led the team in scoring with 12 points, scoring a try, two conversions and a penalty kick. Jolene Martinez, junior in anthropology, scored the other five points with a try.

“The girls played fantastically,” Ukeiley said.

“We had a lot of objectives going into the first [match], and we accomplished all of them and then some.

“One goal was to be in our peak condition at week four, but we did very good for week one.”

The Cyclones started two players with little rugby experience and four players who were playing their first match for Iowa State. One of the team’s objectives was to help the new players feel comfortable in a match situation, Ukeiley said.

“The new [players] did very well,” he said. “This [match] was important for building confidence for them.”

Next weekend the team travels to Eastern Illinois, where they will face a more difficult challenge.

“They will be good competition,” Ukeiley said.

“Women’s rugby is a varsity sport at Eastern Illinois and all of their players are on scholarship. It will be a great, hard-hitting test match for us.”

The team’s first conference match is a home outing against Wisconsin on Sept. 27.