Oh My God

Kate Fiegen

What’s in a name? For the members of Oh My God, quite a lot.

The Chicago-based trio will be bringing its combination of art rock and punk rock back to Ames once again. The group will be promoting its sophomore Novo Records release, “Interrogations and Confessions,” when the band performs at the Maintenance Shop Thursday.

Iguana, the band’s keyboardist, says the band members all consider Ames to be their home away from home, and are excited to be returning for the sixth time.

“[Playing in Ames] reminds me of the similar vibe to blues shows in Japan — people come and want to see a good band and see how the music is made,” Iguana says. “The people that come to see us play aren’t drunken frat boys who just want background music. And that is what is so cool.”

Iguana, a native of Philadelphia, says growing up with blues influences helped shape both his style and his moniker. One of his first bands in Philadelphia had each member pick out a reptile name — thus, the name “Iguana” was born.

Iguana traveled to Chicago, where he met lead singer and bassist Billy O’Neill. He describes O’Neill as both an exceptional singer and commanding performer. Iguana says he will often look up from his keyboard position just to watch O’Neill work.

New to Oh My God is drummer Bish. In the year-and-a-half he has been with the band, Bish has performed with the band for over 200 shows.

“He has a connection with the band and combines accuracy with feeling,” Iguana said. “He has a sense of the beat, because when you play the drums, you can’t just regurgitate the parts.”

Part of Oh My God’s love for Ames is tied into their opening act for the show, local Ames band Lesser Known Saint.

“[Lesser Known Saint does] a lot of publicizing for us and have us stay with them when we are in town,” Iguana says.

“Interrogations and Confessions” will also be re-released in October with new artwork and remixes for some of the songs.

The band’s third album boasts a polished studio sound, but Iguana says fan’s opinions are mixed on whether the sound is better than the original “garage band” sound of Oh My God’s first self-produced album, “Well.”

“With ‘Well,’ we had a tiny budget and time frame,” Iguana says. “Some fans say that ‘Interrogations’ is the best yet because we can add other instruments and more harmonies with other people.”