LETTER: Same-sex marriages have societal benefits
July 2, 2003
I wanted to address a few common misconceptions about the fate of marriage and family if homosexuals are given the right to marry legally.
In our society, there are two concepts of marriage, and it seems that people are getting them confused very frequently. The first is marriage in the eyes of God, and it is defined as a union between one man and one woman. The second is a legal binding with licenses, different tax forms, etc.
Many homosexual couples have already been married in the eyes of God (I realize that may raise arguments about God not condoning homosexual relations, but let’s leave that between them and God since He also said not to judge). Advocates for equal marriage rights are asking for two people who are in love and committed to each other to be recognized as a legal union.
No one is asking to have the Bible rewritten or for anyone to change their religious or moral beliefs about marriage.
Next, many people believe that the “family” will be in jeopardy because of homosexual marriages. What is family? It comes in many different sizes, shapes and styles, but one thing they all have in common is that a family contains people who care for each other and love each other. Many homosexual couples have adopted children and are raising them in loving households, just like many heterosexual couples do.
It seems to me that tossing a child from foster home to foster home without giving him or her time to establish bonds or relationships is a bigger threat to the “family” than allowing him or her to be adopted by a loving homosexual couple.
Abby LaCombe
Animal ecology