‘The Real World: Paris, Episode Six’

Ryan Curell

If Tuesday’s DVD and video release of the MTV-produced “The Real Cancun,” which bombed at the box office last spring, wasn’t enough reality for you, there’s no need to fret.

The most recent episode of “The Real World: Paris” provides ample dosage of the bottom feeding low-lifes you’ve come to love and enjoy making fun of the last five weeks of their half-hour parades of idiotic bliss.

Adam, the son of a Parisian tried his best to share his love with some Paris beauties.

Claiming to be respectful of women, treating them with his dignity and charm, he rushes into an affair with the blurred-out beauty, causing her to be late the next morning for a presentation.

I wonder why her identity was concealed.

Oh wait, yes I do. She slept with Adam.

Ace believes Adam to be the most complex person he’s ever met.

I’m willing to believe this is true, considering Ace’s hardest thought after a tough day is probably how much he misses “Muppet Babies” on Nick Jr. reruns.

The girl Adam was with, obviously uninterested, walked two steps in front of him as they made a run for the subway. Nevertheless she approves of Adam calling on her again.

His respect and dignity toward women is not made a full presence until later in the show when he fails to remember the last name of the girl he slept with, nor the presentation she was late too.

This incident provided the episode’s biggest laugh: Christina, waking to the sound of Adam’s sweet lovemaking, first believes it to be him “choking his chicken.”

Meanwhile, ISU’s golden girl, Mallory, and Irish guy, Simon, also known as “The Brain,” get sick and cannot work on the travel guide that was assigned by their employers.

The rest of the gang worked furiously to get their assignments done.

Working until the last minute of their 6 p.m. deadline, team leader Leah, trying a bit too hard to fill the ice princess void currently vacant, was blown away by the failure of her fellow Real Worlders to follow simple directions.

The group was universally surprised when they didn’t receive their bonus, despite the fact they were all complete morons and waited until the absolute last minute of a two-week time period to work on their assignments.

I have to cut them some slack, though; it must be hard to find time between sleeping with strangers (Adam), insisting you’re not sleazy (Christina), providing the “Captain Obvious” factor (Simon), being a complete snot (Leah), being a pompous jerk (Chris), a complete buffoon (Ace) or just being hot (Mallory), to make deadlines.

Keep it real, MTV. You’re slaying me.