Mayor votes to allow alcohol at event in Bandshell Park at Council meeting

Ayrel Clark

Mayor Ted Tedesco used his voting power to break a tie at Tuesday’s meeting to approve an alcohol license recommendation in Bandshell Park, 125 E. Fifth St.

Councilmembers Judie Hoffman and Riad Mahayni voted to deny the permit to the Ames Jaycees for fundraising events they have planned for Aug. 15 and Aug. 22 in Bandshell Park.

Hoffman raised concerns about alcohol in the park, because it is considered a neighborhood park.

“There would be more appropriate parks to hold this event,” Hoffman said.

Councilmembers Steve Goodhue and Russ Cross, who participated in the meeting via telephone, voted for approval.

Because it was a regular motion, Tedesco was allowed to vote to break the tie. He voted to approve.

“I cast the tie-breaker vote on this issue on the basis [the Ames Jaycees] had gone through extensive work on this,” Tedesco said. “Bandshell is not really a neighborhood park anymore; it has changed its scope.”

Tedesco said the city may consider changing the policy of Bandshell Park because of the events, such as concerts, held there.

The Ames Jaycees asked the council to approve a similar motion three years ago, Tedesco said, but it was denied because of the prohibition of alcohol in the park.

City staff also asked the Council to approve a sidewalk plan that would require sidewalks on both sides of the street in residential and commercial areas and on one side in industrial areas.

Staff looked at sidewalk policies in 10 other cities in central Iowa to determine what would be best for Ames.

“We’re not asking more than eight or nine of the 10 cities require,” Hoffman said.

The council approved the resolution and requested staff to get input from developers and people in the commercial and industrial areas.

Tedesco said he proposed plan for sidewalks is the best option for the community.

“The sidewalk policy is something very close to what we practiced in the past,” Tedesco said. “There wasn’t anything wrong with our current policies, just some inconsistencies to rectify and make easier to conform to.”

An increase in illegal parking fines was also passed at the meeting.

Fines for illegal parking, including street and lot parking, will now cost $10 for motorists instead of $5.

Tedesco said he would probably sign the ordinance Wednesday or Thursday and it will go into affect in approximately two weeks.

People parked illegally in the city before because it was cheaper than parking at the university illegally, Tedesco said.

“The increase makes the policy more consistent with the university,” Tedesco said.

“It will make motorists more responsible because fines aren’t greatly different from universities.”

University parking fines are $12 for most lots and $15 for reserved lots.

Parking meter fines will remain the same. Tedesco said they are consistent with university meter fines.