Professor honored with science award

Xiomara Levsen

The Helene Cecil Leadership Award from the Poultry Science Association goes to women scientists who have made contributions to the field of poultry science and have provided leadership to other women in the field.

Susan Lamont, professor and chair of animal science and the first woman administrator of the department of animal science, was awarded the honor.

“She was nominated because of her mentoring, teaching, research and administrative abilities,” said Colin Scanes, professor of animal science and member of the Poultry Science Association. “The award is more of a career award, but is great for recognition.”

Lamont was told about her award in late June.

“It’s hard to know what the field was for this award, because there are so many qualified people out there for it,” Lamont said.

The award is given out each year through a process of nominations and committee reviews and is only open to female scientists, Scanes said.

Scanes nominated Lamont for this honor.

“I think she’s an outstanding scientist and terrific person,” Scanes said. “This is a real remarkable achievement for her and is a recognition of the quality at Iowa State.”

Lamont said the award is good national recognition for the college.

“This will let people know that there are qualified professors and workers here at Iowa State,” Lamont said.

John Mabry, professor of animal science, has worked with Lamont in her research and administrative duties.

“She is very deserving of the award, and it’s quite an honor for her,” Mabry said.

Throughout budget cuts to the college, Lamont has worked with the animal science department in finding ways to get through it, Mabry said.

“She even gave up some of her research in poultry to cut costs, which is a hard thing to do,” Mabry said.

Lamont is a prominent researcher in the poultry industry and has trained several graduate students throughout the years who have made contributions to the poultry industry, he said.

“Her true interests lie on the research side,” Mabry said.

Mabry describes Lamont as a hard-working person who is well organized.

Catherine Woteki, dean of the College of Agriculture, said she thinks the award is an appropriate recognition for Lamont.

“She just happens to be a woman who is one of the leading researchers in the poultry field,” Woteki said.

The award will bring higher visibility to the department of animal science and college of agriculture, Woteki said.

Lamont has been a faculty member at Iowa State since 1983. She was named the department chair of animal science in 2001, being the first woman administrator. Her term ends next month. Lamont was also the first female assistant director of research for the Iowa Agriculture and Home Economics Experiment Station said Brian Meyer, director of agriculture communications.