EDITORIAL: Vilsack’s ineptitude no excuse for error

Gov. Tom Vilsack’s admission that he does not know how to use e-mail is unacceptable and should not be used as an excuse to cover the fact that records requested under Iowa’s Open Record Laws were destroyed.

In February, the Des Moines Register requested the governor’s e-mails related to the Iowa Department of Economic Development Foundation. Vilsack had wanted to use funds from the private economic development foundation to boost the salary of Michael Blouin, the new director of the Iowa Department of Economic Development.

After receiving information the Register believed to be incomplete, Vilsack’s chief of staff, Steve Gleason, offered to have the state’s Information Technology Department search an electronic tape that archives e-mail messages. After several weeks, the Register did not hear a response. They contacted the governor’s office several times through e-mail, handwritten letters and a hand-delivered letter — all of which went unanswered.

On May 2, the governor’s lawyer admitted no search was ever performed and that all documents are destroyed after 30 days. A second search of the office turned up additional records relating to the foundation.

Gleason blamed himself and his staff for their failure to hand over the records. Meanwhile, Vilsack admitted he contributed to the issue through his lack of simple computer skills such as his inability to send an e-mail.

Vilsack, as a public official, has a responsibility to the people of Iowa to learn a simple technology like e-mail.

In today’s society, e-mail is becoming ever more popular as a form of communication. Most businesses have an internal e-mail system in which corporate communication occurs.

A person in a position of responsibility and prestige as high as the governor’s should be required to be able to use the current means of communication. Vilsack should be able to set aside a small block of time from his busy schedule to learn the simple process of sending and replying to e-mail.

Vilsack’s age, 52, isn’t an excuse. Just because he did not grow up using a computer does not mean he cannot learn. There are many people much older than Vilsack who have learned to e-mail their family and friends. It is a matter of taking the time to learn. An inability to use e-mail is also not an adequate excuse for not turning over records requested under Iowa’s Open Records law. Vilsack’s staff is also responsible for going through the governor’s e-mail, which means there is no reason for e-mails to go unanswered or unread.

While an inability to use a common technology such as e-mail is inexcusable, let’s not forget the underlying issue — Vilsack’s technical inability isn’t only embarrassing, it’s being used as an excuse to cover the destruction of documents that should have been public record. Editorial Board: Nicole Paseka, Amy Schierbrock, Alicia Ebaugh, Ayrel Clark, Lucas Grundmeier