LETTER: New parking fees not fair to students

Recently, the Department of Residence sent out letters to students informing them about the new parking fees that will be in effect beginning Fall 2003.

The new regulation requires the vehicle owners who live in the University Family Housing (UFH) — University and Schilletter Village Apartments — to buy parking passes in order to park their cars in front of the building they live in. The fees are $72 for the first car, and $79 for the second car.

The rent for the apartments has already increased every year by roughly 5 percent — a regular increase every year — although the buildings have shown no visible improvement over the last six years. Yet an additional fee seems to be invented in the name of parking.

If this is an attempt to ease the budget problems the university is facing, I wonder how it will help. The parking fee will add about $40,000 to the Department of Residence revenues annually. Obviously this will not solve the budget problems of the university.

On the other hand, students who live in UFH apartments will be affected adversely from the new regulation. One can get a $12 ticket every day just for parking his car where he lives.

On top of that, why would anyone have to pay for parking where they live? Parking is free anywhere else in this town if you are a tenant. What makes UFH special?

UFH buildings are already in very poor condition. A majority of the students and their families do not have many options since the rent in these apartments is relatively low compared to privately- owned apartment complexes. Does that mean that the Department of Residence can use this against the students?

I guess we all know the answer to that question.

Emrah Simsek

Graduate student

Mechanical engineering