Your weekly update to ‘The Real World – Paris’

Ryan Curell

Episode three, which aired on Tuesday night, showcased the budding romance between CT, thick with his brash Massachusetts accent, and Christina, a Las Vegas party girl who frequently claims she’s not a stripper.

Christina insists she’d rather be with a guy who knows how to correctly fix her breakfast the way she likes it than a Casanova in the bedroom.

Though she implies physicality is not crucial to a relationship, Christina doesn’t refrain from mentioning that CT has a hot body. CT’s thoughts: “She’s got a bangin’ body. Oh my God …”

Other house members were struggling with their surroundings. Ace, partisan to his Georgia homeland, dislikes the idea of learning the French language and prefers “Wal-Mart and Waffle House.”

His down-in-the-dumps attitude doesn’t deter him from convincing the group to go out and get drunk. Christina and Ace escort a more-than-tipsy CT home for the evening, almost getting run over in the process. A fevered Ace yells profanely at the Parisian driver.

Our “Real Worlders” find out they’ll be working for Frommer’s, a guidebook chain, and will be expected to each write a compilation travel guide for students. Poor Ace is not excited about the news; however, everyone else is stoked.

A late-night Jacuzzi outing provides Christina the opportunity to throw herself at CT. A still-buzzed CT admits he’d “close the deal” if he wasn’t living in the same house as Christina.

The episode concludes with a stubborn Ace deciding that learning the French language would be good for him.