An ‘Evening in Campustown’ provides some spice to Ames life

Casey Jones

Whether you’re a Campustown regular or someone who’s been meaning to check out the area, “An Evening in Campustown” is a chance to spend a summer evening experiencing what the unique district has to offer.

The event, held Thursday from 5—8 p.m., will celebrate the many diverse businesses located in Campustown. The Campustown Action Association will be hosting the event.

John Crawford, CAA member and Copyworks employee, 105 Welch Ave., says the event will be a chance for residents to experience a less crowded Campustown than they may be used to.

“It’s a good opportunity for people to come down who think that Campustown just has bars. There’s a whole lot more down here to offer than just drinking establishments,” says Crawford, adding that the event has been designed to be family-friendly.

“It’s a great night out for your kids, a great night out for your family,” says Sue Kessel, CAA member and T Galaxy employee, 206 Welch Ave.

“An Evening in Campustown” will give each party involved a chance to promote their businesses through deals and specials designed to draw in new faces, Crawford says. The 23 participating Campustown businesses will be offering discounts and samples.

It is variety that makes Campustown so special, says Roger Riley, CAA member and Copyworks employee.

“Because [Campustown is] so close to the University, we have a unique flavor here that you don’t find in other parts of the city,” Riley says. “That’s why we’ve opened our doors — to say, ‘Come check us out.'”

Food and drink will also be plentiful throughout the night, as many eating establishments will be offering deals and samples throughout Campustown.

From American to Brazilian to Mediterranean dishes, Ames’ “dining and entertainment district” features cuisine from all over the world, Kessel says.

“I don’t think you can find that many different kinds of food in one square block anywhere else nearby,” Kessel says.

Kessel also explained that in addition to its culinary appeals, “An Evening in Campustown” will also be filled with family-friendly activities of all kinds.

Welch Avenue will be closed off for the event, holding a variety of entertainment for youngsters, including face painting and a “Jump-A-Room.”

At the University Book Store, author and ISU graduate Natalie Knudson will be signing her book, “A Child’s Garden of Flowers,” at 6 p.m.

Knudson’s book, which reflects the charm of Reiman Gardens and is illustrated by ISU students and staff, will also be featured during “Story Time,” at 6:30 p.m.

Although the event is designed to be family-friendly, there are plenty of reasons for college students to check it out, organizers said. The Sizzling Cabana, 2540 Lincoln Way, will be offering free tanning, and Varsity Theatre, 2412 Lincoln Way, will hold a drawing for a one-year movie pass. Bars including Welch Ave. Station, 207 Welch Ave., and Mickey’s Irish Pub, 109 Welch Ave., will be having drink specials.

Regardless of age, “An Evening in Campustown” promises to offer a night of wholesome enjoyment for anyone interested in exploring Campustown a little deeper.