LETTER: Loving others not condoning actions

In Adam Bosman’s June 19 letter, I found some items that need clarification. Although I have not dedicated the time I should to Biblical studies, I will do my best to cite Biblical passages to support my points.

The last words of the passage that Mr. Bosman mentioned, John 8:1-11, were never mentioned and are very important: “Go now and leave your life of sin.” The adulteress was not condemned and was spared, but was told to stop the sinful lifestyle she was engaging in. She was told that what she was doing was wrong, so the passage is not really accurate for the scenario mentioned.

Next, let me explain the concept of “love the sinner, hate the sin” a bit better. As many know, it is not uncommon for Christians to refer to God as our “Father.”

If your child commits acts that you despise, you still love your child. You do not automatically hate your child nor do you automatically have to love or even condone what the child did. The gay lifestyle (actively engaging in sex with others of the same sex) is a choice, even if homosexuality (being sexually attracted to members of your own sex) is not, just as it is a sin for a heterosexual to engage in sex outside of marriage, despite it being a “natural, biological impulse.”

Joseph M. Lee

