‘The Real World Paris, Episode Four: Attack of the High School Drama’

Ryan Curell

The Paris Real Worlders have succumbed to the path taken by every group who have shed their 15 minutes on the MTV show.

ISU mascot Mallory, lost in a world of junior high crushes, has demonstrated two key things on last Tuesday’s show: Illinois-based soccer players can outdrink Georgian bar owners, and irresponsibility takes on a whole new meaning when she’s hammered.

If anything, “The Real World Paris” has solidified the notion these Americans in Paris have a raging obsession with beer-cohol.

The Sharp-as-a-Tack Award goes to Simon, for saying he thinks there’s going to be issues between Leah and Mallory and their mutual attraction to Ace.

As far as immaturity goes, Leah scores the biggest points for the episode.

After Adam apologized to her for being a jerk (in “Full House” mode with corny piano music accompanying Adam’s pleas), Leah confessed to housemate Christina that she doesn’t forgive people. “If you cross me once, you’re out of my life,” Leah said.

Forget high school. These guys are still learning cursive in third grade.