LETTER: Hate speech wrong in any media outlet

I have followed the lively debates that go on at the Daily for years now, and I am usually very stimulated by the range of subjects and opinions expressed. I cannot agree, however, with Robin Stone’s thankfulness, expressed in Tuesday’s edition, for your publication of Margie Phelps’ letter denouncing “fags.” Hate speech has no place in a college newspaper, and reveals a startling lack of judgement on the part of Alicia Ebaugh, the opinion editor.

Would you have hesitated to publish a letter from a Ku Klux Klan member, which used the term “nigger” to describe blacks?

What about a letter from a Neo-Nazi referring to Jews as “Christ-killing kikes?”

A sexist man referring to women as “stupid bitches?”

I am sick of what passes in these parts for a “tolerant Christian attitude,” as expressed in both Jared Strong’s and Ms. Ebaugh’s editorials from the June 10 issue.

It is both patronizing and shallow-minded to proclaim to “love the sinner, hate the sin.”

Isn’t that a little bit like saying that you love black people but hate their dark skin?

You may be a junior, Ms. Ebaugh, but your mentality is decidedly sophomoric.

Dr. Dennis Raverty

Associate professor

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