Special session is over

Andrea Hanna

The special session is over, and an all-inclusive bill is waiting for Gov. Tom Vilsack’s approval.

The Senate reconvened Wednesday morning to finalize plans for a bill with four “legs” — the economic development fund, income tax reduction, property tax and regulatory reform.

Gov. Vilsack has 30 days to sign the bill. House and Senate Republicans met in closed meetings over the weekend and into Monday to reach an agreement on these issues.

House representatives amended the Senate version of the bill late Tuesday evening. Just after 1:30 a.m. Wednesday, the House approved this plan with an almost party-line vote of 51-43.

“It was not a good experience,” said Rep. Jane Greimann, D-Ames. Greimann said members of the House didn’t get a chance to see the bill until 5 or 6 p.m. Tuesday night.

Sen. Jeff Lamberti, R-Ankeny, said the Senate planned on sending Gov. Vilsack a final bill later Wednesday.

Lamberti said the bill includes a $503 million Grow Iowa Fund spread over seven years on a pay-as-you-go basis.

The bill intends on using Internet sales tax, catalog taxes and $100 million of federal tax relief money to help support the fund.

Greimann said legislators were informed Tuesday it is unconstitutional to use federal aid in this type of program.

“It should be used for ongoing, previously budgeted programs,” she said.

After four years, the legislature will evaluate how money for the fund is being spent and determine if any money needs to be relocated to different areas.

“We want to figure out what’s working and what’s not,” Lamberti said. “Everyone will get the opportunity to see if their provisions are being met.”

Every Democratic representative and two Republican representatives voted against the economic stimulus package Tuesday.

Greimann said it’s dangerous to do things in a hurry, late at night. “We should have taken more time to do this,” she said.

Lamberti said he had hoped the Democrats would be more accommodating.

“I find the Democrat’s complaints [about the Grow Iowa Fund] interesting,” Lamberti said. He said Democrats were upset their proposal for $810 million in economic development support was amended to $503 million.

That amount is too small for Democrats even though the Republicans gave Gov. Vilsack $503 million, $3 million more than he originally asked for, he said.

“It’s unfortunate the Democrats couldn’t support any of this with us,” Lamberti said. “This is a huge step forward in terms of economic development.”

Greimann said every bill is supposed to contain only one issue, but this bill contains four issues. This makes the bill hard to understand, even for legislators.

She said she hopes Gov. Vilsack doesn’t sign the bill he receives from the Senate.