Council hands out awards to outstanding ISU sports clubs

Sarah Desotel

The ISU Karate Club picked up an award for outstanding performance at the annual Iowa State Sports Club Council awards banquet Tuesday.

Each year the council hosts a barbecue at the end of the spring semester to recognize outstanding performance among ISU sports clubs. This year’s banquet was at Brookside Park.

“It’s a little something to lighten people’s loads during Dead Week and to recognize the sports clubs,” said Randy Wahl, president of the Sports Club Council.

The banquet kicked off with brats and burgers on the grill and a few words from Alan Murdoch, sports clubs coordinator, who recapped the year.

“The job that Al Murdoch does is amazing,” said Reid Morris, vice president of the Sports Club Council. “He is such a great promoter of the sports clubs at Iowa State.”

All ISU sports clubs and their guests are invited to the annual event in which several members are recognized for their achievements each year.

Awards are given out not only to members of the sports clubs and their advisers, but to past Sports Club Council executive members.

The newly elected executives honor the old executives for their hard work and dedication. Past presidents and vice presidents receive a plaque reflecting their position on the council. The engraved gavel symbolizes their leadership.

“It’s a little something to pat them on the back and let them know their hard work is appreciated,” Wahl said.

Seven awards were given out to the sports clubs this year. Adviser of the Year was awarded to Carolyn Kelly of the Broomball Club.

The ISU Cricket Club was recognized as Club of the Year. Chris Kafer of the ISU Crew Club was named Coach of the Year.

Two presidents of individual sports clubs were co-recipients of this year’s President of the Year Award. Alex Syhlman of the Triathlon Club and Tim Rash of the Paintball Club were recognized with this award.

The Ski and Snowboarding Club and the Cycling Club were honored for having the Web Site of the Year.

The final award given out at this year’s Sports Club Awards Banquet was the Slavemaster Award. This award was given to Ryan Grimm, the webmaster for the Sports Club Council.

“He has done a lot of amazing stuff,” Wahl said.

“He does so much for the sports clubs and puts in so many late nights time fine-tuning the Web sites and getting the bugs out of his software.”

Certificates were also given out for honorable mention including Cindy Marquardt, the adviser of the Bowling Club. Women’s Rugby received honorable mention for Club of the Year and the Motorcycle Club received honorable mention for their Web site.

“It felt really good to honor these people for the outstanding jobs they did,” Morris said. “There were so many clubs that deserved recognition. We are proud of the outstanding performances this year.”