LETTER: Actions embarrass athletics, university
May 1, 2003
This is a response to the May 1 editorial “Officials should let Eustachy stay.” The editorial reflects the support of many ISU students for Coach Eustachy and that he should not lose his job.
A person attempting to deal with an alcohol problem needs to put all his/her focus on that problem. Intense therapy and counseling consume a lot of time. Having a regular 8-to-5 job — not to mention a high-powered, “in the spotlight” job like a Big 12 basketball coach — could get in the way of a treatment program. The coach could be given a medical leave to pursue his therapy; however, I believe his termination is a good decision at this point in time for other reasons in conjunction with the alcohol problem.
I believe Coach Eustachy lacks in demonstrating good ethics, values and moral behavior, sober or drunk. He verbally abuses his players, assistant coaches, referees and anyone else who happens to be in his way. He appears to not offer many positive comments to his team members. Rather, he degrades his players and focuses more on negative aspects of their skills. As a collegiate coach he should encourage his student athletes with positive feedback, rather than verbally abusing them. That in itself is reason for his dismissal in my opinion. Even if the alcohol influenced his choice of words and tone of voice to his players and assistant coaches, that is no excuse for verbal abuse. He reminds me of a Bobby Knight in the making.
I am embarrassed that he represents ISU athletics. Surely we have better role models in college athletics to coach and mentor our student athletes. If not, the ISU standard of conduct for student athletes has and will be lowered.
Marilyn Booth
Ames-ISU YMCA Aquatics Director