LETTER: Eustachy has earned right to fix mistakes

Everyone makes mistakes. That may be clich‚, but not everyone is allowed the chance to grow from them. Coach Eustachy’s indiscretion, while inappropriate and unfortunate, does not necessarily have to be more than a blemish on an otherwise successful tenure at Iowa State. As an ISU alumnus I see this as a chance for Iowa State to show that we understand that the world is more than what transpires on Welch Avenue. In the real world people have problems and deal with them the best they can. I think it would show great courage on Dr. Hira’s and President Geoffroy’s behalf to refrain from terminating Eustachy’s employment if he requests a hearing.

I certainly made my share of mistakes at Iowa State, but I was afforded the chance to redeem myself. I think that rather than terminate the state’s highest paid employee, we should give him a chance to prove that he does possess the redeeming qualities that the university once saw in him.

It would speak volumes about our institution of higher learning and the people of Iowa if we could show that we do understand that the world is not black and white. While life is a complicated and often arduous journey, it is constantly providing us chances to grow as people. I think we should afford Eustachy this chance as well.

Rory M. Gopaul
