LETTER: Senate, executive must work together

The following is online feedback to Dan Christenson’s April 21 letter, “GSB senator pledges to do something.”

I’d like to echo Dan’s comments, and also point out that a lot of what is accomplished depends on the ability of the senate and executive to work together. Some things I hope to work on as an off-campus GSB senator:

* Re-establishing a student lobbying organization with UNI and Iowa.

* Initiating a “Get Out The Vote” drive, similar to the one implemented last year by IRHA (in time for the upcoming city council elections, I hope).

* Working with the Dean of Students office on the implementation of the off-campus informational Web site.

Most of the response thus far has been positive, but I would love to hear more ideas for things students would like to see accomplished.

My e-mail is [email protected].

Drew Miller


Computer Science