LETTER: Acting intelligently would be best
April 27, 2003
I think the U.S. would be wise to hurry up the removal of the perceived military occupation, but I don’t think that necessarily means letting Iraq go from any influence.
The impression from people I get is that military force and diplomatic negotiations are the only way to deal with rogue states.
There is another option of using intelligence to fight this war. And this seems like the best option for fighting countries like Syria, Saudi Arabia and Iran, where military action would be perceived as imperialism and diplomacy simply doesn’t work.
Of course, has an intelligence agency ever had a success story like the military has Japan and Germany?
I honestly don’t know.
No biggie, though, if we fail it will just mean the victory of the war will be negated and thousands more Americans will most likely die in terror attacks.
The lack of interest in the subject certainly makes sense to me.
James Peterson
Graduate Student
Veterinary Microbiology andPreventative Medicine