IRHA wants parking enforced

Jessie Dienst

A change in parking procedure will be presented at the semester’s final Inter-Residence Hall Association meeting Thursday.

A bill calling for illegally parked cars to be towed by the Department of Public Safety, rather than being ticketed, will be up for approval. Clinton Middaugh, co-author of the bill and Birch-Welch-Roberts Hall representative, said there are several occasions, such as football and basketball games, when student parking is taken by cars without proper parking passes.

The Richardson Court Association and Union Drive Association parking lots are affected by people attending events at the Iowa State Center, Middaugh said.

Parking lots are also filled at night when students think DPS is not ticketing, he said. The result is less parking for students who have paid for parking passes. Ticketing vehicles does not seem to effect illegal parking, Middaugh said.

“Hopefully towing will discourage people from [illegal parking],” he said.

Capt. Doug Houghton, head of the DPS Parking Division, said he was planning on reviewing the ticket writing history for the lots in question.

“If the issue is we have not been writing enough tickets, then we need to do that first,” he said.

If ticket writing does not help, the traditional thing to do is start towing, Houghton said.

“[We are] willing to take the steps needed to protect permit holders,” he said.

Another bill calling for the university administration to be notified of the importance of Registration Manager will also be presented at the meeting. Registration Manager is a computer program that has been made available for free to ISU students for the past six years by two brothers and ISU students, Mark and Jeff Lanning.

The bill calls for Iowa State to “take responsibility for the continuation of Registration Manager.” said Brandon Judas, UDA at-large representative and co-author of the bill.

The IRHA meeting will be held at 7 p.m. in the Gallery Room of the Memorial Union.