Athletic director to discuss department with council

Alicia Allen

The ISU Athletic Director will address academic performance of student athletes and financial issues at the Professional and Scientific Council open forum Wednesday at noon in the Pioneer Room of the Memorial Union.

Bruce Van De Velde said he will also discuss graduation rates, Title IX and competition in the Big 12 conference.

“It will be a general overview of the athletic department to educate staff so they have a better idea of how intercollegiate athletics work,” he said.

Van De Velde said he put the presentation together specifically for a Faculty Senate meeting.

Rex Heer, Professional and Scientific Council president and graphic designer for the Instructional Technology Center, said members of the council saw Van De Velde at the senate meeting and expressed interest in having him address the council because athletics fall under the external affairs category of the Professional and Scientific Council’s constituency.

Barb McManus, co-chairwoman of the council’s communications committee, said members of the council would be interested in learning more about “the relationship between athletics and the university as a whole.”

McManus, communications specialist for agriculture information services, said she encourages anyone interested to attend the forum and meeting.

“It is a good place to exchange ideas and ask questions,” she said.

The Professional and Scientific Council, which serves as an advocate for professional and scientific employees at Iowa State, hosts open forums on topics of relevance to professional and scientific employees the first Thursday of every month.