‘Genitally Speaking’ to encourage open dialogue on sex, gender issues

Kelli Teno

Gender, sex and feminist issues will all be in the spotlight at Iowa State’s own version of “The Vagina Monologues,” an Eve Ensler play composed of several spoken skits concerning feminism issues.

“Genitally Speaking” is an open-mic night that will allow men and women to express their opinions surrounding a variety of controversial issues, says Cicely Schramm, Feminist Majority Leadership Alliance president.

“[Genitally Speaking] provides a place for people to come and talk about whatever they want to concerning feminist issues,” says Schramm, senior in genetics. “Some people are talking about rape and sweatshops. There’s a pretty wide range of topics.”

Preparation for “Genitally Speaking” began last year, Schramm says. The event, sponsored by FMLA and SUB, will take place at 8 p.m. Tuesday at the M-Shop. It is free to the general public.

The night will begin with a performance by local band Nerdslut. The band’s name represents the band’s philosophy, says lead singer Nikki Feuerstein.

“It’s kind of a philosophy that someone can be intelligent but also sexual at the same time,” says Feuerstein, sophomore in women’s studies.

The band’s lyrics explore feminist political issues with which the audience can relate.

“I think that most people will understand the lyrics and what’s behind the music,” Feuerstein says.

After the band performs, attendants will have the opportunity to take advantage of the open mic and express their own opinions.

“It’s a night for people to come in to share their stories, songs and poems with their experiences with gender,” says FMLA member Ellen Daly.

Daly, sophomore in women’s studies, will be speaking about her experiences with gender and identity. She plans to recite a poem by slam poet Stacey Ann Chin and read a few pieces of her own.

“I have one poem that deconstructs society and how power is assigned in our society,” she says. “I will be identifying my identity and how the outside world perceives me.”

Daly says FMLA has approximately 10 male members and encourages other males to attend “Genitally Speaking.”

“Gender is a social construction and a lot of men feel confined with how society tells men how to act, so some of our male members will be speaking about that issue,” she says.

Daly also clarifies the definition of feminism she says is commonly accepted among students.

“Feminism is working to create equal rights between genders, so it’s not against men,” she says. “It’s working with men to create equality.”

Daly encourages people to take advantage of the open mic.

“Open mics are always a little bit intimidating to get up and share yourself with an audiences,” she says. “I think a lot of people will be reading other authors’ works.”

What: “Genitally Speaking”

Where: M-Shop

When: 8 p.m. Tuesday

Cost: Free