LETTER:U.S.-French conflict over Iraqi resources

Jay Maxwell

I think you’re all wrong, actually. Enough with the Pollyanna crap. There aren’t good guys and bad guys in this world, just winners and losers.

The French aren’t concerned with peace any more than the United States is concerned with liberating anything in Iraq besides their assets.

This entire conflict is about privatizing a region with an assload of resources. The French and Germans were doing pretty good trading with Iraq as it was; this war has canceled those contracts and put the resources of Iraq into the hands of American corporations.

Oil is a small part of it. Calififornia Rep. Darrel Issa introduced a bill that would require the Department of Defense to build a CDMA cell phone system to benefit U.S. patent holders. CDMA is the system used in the United States, not Europe, and was developed by Qualcomm, one of Issa’s most generous donors.

A $4.8 million management contract for the port of Umm Qasr already went to Stevedoring Services of America. Water, transit, roads, schools, phones, sewers, drugs, medical and agricultural services are all on the auction block.

Here’s how it works: start a war, then during the rebuilding process, you steal everything or “buy” it as part of “rebuilding” the country. Either way, the people of Iraq can kiss their assets good-bye.

Greg Jerrett
