LETTER: Left-wing questions not un-American
April 14, 2003
I’ve heard a lot of claptrap recently from the Right, like protesting is un-American and “if the Left hates America so much, why don’t they move?” That doesn’t surprise me. The right has always relied on scare tactics and red herrings; they can’t win on merit.
Most Lefties, however, let these comments go unchallenged. It’s as if they think they are taking the high road, and that galls. Don’t do that. It isn’t the high road, it’s wussing out.
The Left doesn’t hate America. I certainly don’t. I love America. America is a victory garden filled with everything we need to thrive. In return, we have to weed it, water it, fertilize it and keep the moles out.
Lest anyone get confused, this is a metaphor. Moles and weeds are bad ideas and corrupt politicians. Water and fertilizer are voting, staying informed and even protesting.
If I hated America, I’d let it grow over with weeds and run rampant with critters. I’d equate doing nothing with patriotism. I’d accuse anyone who said “something isn’t right here” of being un-American.
I’m proud to be an American. I am not proud to be associated with Americans disagreeing or saying those opposed to this war are un-American. Trust me, folks, your citizenship is not greater than mine.
So right-wingers, get this: I am left-wing, I love America and I am willing to do my part for America. I don’t blindly trust those in power of any party. When I see something wrong, I question it. I speak out. I protest. Just like our Founding Fathers intended.
Greg Jerrett