LETTER: Un-American to suppress opinions

“Land of the Free, sort of …”

Why do Americans have the desire to restrict each others’ rights?

A woman wants to have an abortion. People who are not in her situation and have no idea what factors influence her decisions fight to take away her right to choose.

A man wants to own a rifle. People who have been affected by criminals decide rifles are bad and try to have them banned.

A child wants to join the scouting program. People who feel scouting doesn’t properly represent their views have the program banned from their cities.

Why can’t Americans realize that what makes America great is individualism? Oppressed people come to our country to escape the type of restriction that we would choose to have imposed on ourselves.

Limiting people’s ability to make decisions for themselves, taking away people’s right to own firearms and taking away community programs like scouting are targets for a very frightening trend. Americans, apparently, no longer want to be free. If we’re not careful we’ll restrict ourselves into a state of freedom to do what we’re told.

Everyone should voice their opinion with passion. But should they force their opinion to be part of everyone’s life? I don’t think that is very American. Sounds a little like an experiment that took place in the former Soviet Union, doesn’t it?

Brent Hayward


Engineering Operations