Quartetto Gelato combines comedy and classical tunes

Jessica Saari

The Ames City Auditorium will be filled with an unlikely pairing — classical music and comedy — Sunday night.

Ames Town and Gown Chamber Music Association is sponsoring the upcoming performance of Quartetto Gelato, a group that combines onstage humor with classical music for an intimate and exciting show with the audience.

Although Ames Town and Gown usually brings in the more typical chamber music groups, and regular patrons have come to expect a string quartet at the performances, Quartetto Gelato will be a pleasant change of pace for the audience, says Stephen Willson, publicist for the Ames Town and Gown board of members.

“This group is very different from the classical string quartets we typically bring in,” says Willson, professor of mathematics. “They play a broad range of music, such as tango and some gypsy music, as well as some lighter, traditional songs like ‘Danny Boy.’ “

Quartetto Gelato is composed of musicians who play a variety of instruments, such as oboe, English horn, cello, accordion and piano. The group’s mandolin/violin player occasionally sings tenor for certain pieces, Willson says.

Alexander Sevastian, the group’s accordion and piano player, has won the International Accordion Competition three times during the course of his career, says Lauren McMinn, Quartetto Gelato’s IMG Artists representative.

The group expresses themselves in a rather unusual manner, McMinn says.

They play an extremely eclectic mix of music, including folk, opera, tango and traditional classical music.

They provide audience members with a warm and friendly performance that features quality music.

“All the members of the group have received the highest musical training,” she says.

“They are incredible musicians and are like no other classical chamber music group out there. They represent the best of both worlds, chamber music with a twist.”

The Toronto-based group has played all over the world, including London, Milan, Italy, Tokyo and Seoul, South Korea, and has received outstanding reviews almost everywhere, Willson says.

They have an unusual approach to performing that will leave audience members wanting more.

“Its unusual to get groups like this to Ames very often,” he says. “Quartetto Gelato is relaxed and uses great humor in their performances. They have a good rapport with the audience and everyone leaves feeling very happy.”

Who: Quartetto Gelato

Where: Ames City Auditorium

When: 7:30 p.m. Sunday

Cost: Free for students with ID, $20 public