Faculty Senate to discuss new academic calendar

Jennifer Martin

A task force will present four proposals to change the academic calendar to the Faculty Senate at the groups’ Tuesday night meeting.

The calendar has been brought to the senate’s attention in some form during the last four years, said Max Wortman, Faculty Senate president. The Academic Calendar Task Force will speak to the senate.

One proposal essentially mirrors the current university calendar. The other proposals offer options for shorter semesters, longer class periods, a longer winter break, a mini-session during winter break and the addition of a two-day break in October.

Wortman, who said he was surprised to see the issue come at this time of the year, said the senate will discuss the issue Tuesday but the issue probably won’t be voted on until the senate’s May meeting.

ISU President Gregory Geoffroy said he will address the senate Tuesday night about the process that will be used to evaluate the various calendar proposals and make the “eventual decision.”

According to the task force report, Geoffroy appointed the task force to look into alternatives to the current calendar.

Task force members were asked to consider “broad and innovative changes” while taking into account the impact on students, faculty and other factors affecting the operation of the university.

Also on the agenda, Wortman said a new task force will be appointed to resolve the issues surrounding the university and the United Way.

At its March 25 meeting, the senate voted to discontinue support of United Way because of its support of the Boy Scouts of America, which does not allow homosexuals in its group after a Supreme Court decision in 2002. Senate members felt this went against the university’s nondiscriminatory policy.

“It’s no longer about the Boy Scouts issue, but it’s all about the coercive nature of volunteerism that is pressured upon the faculty and staff,” Wortman said.

He said faculty members believe they are pressured to participate because everyone has to turn in an envelope regardless of whether they donate. Wortman said having every faculty member turn in an envelope shows that all the faculty are involved, even if they aren’t donating.

Geoffroy said he will also be giving an update on the university’s budget for the 2004 fiscal year.

The Faculty Senate will meet at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday in the North Room at the Gateway Center.