Tougher nonconference foes possible

Tyler Haupt

The ISU men’s basketball team’s nonconference schedule is looking to be more challenging next season compared to previous seasons.

The Cyclones have been discussing a schedule with NCAA Tournament teams such as Arizona State and Colorado State. There is also a possibility of an invitation to represent the Big 12 Conference in the preseason National Invitation Tournament.

Administrative assistant coach Bob Sundvold said they have been talking with 20 to 25 different schools. “There’s a lot of time spent in the process of scheduling games,” Sundvold said. “As of now, the plans of the schedule are not finished.”

ISU Athletic Director Bruce Van De Velde said the Cyclones will play against Colorado State here in Ames next season.

“There is the possibility of playing Arizona State,” Van De Velde said. “In that case, we would play in Arizona this season and the following year the game would be held here.”

Van De Velde has spoken with NIT officials about the possibility of playing in the 16-team preseason NIT, but the planning for the tournament is in the preliminary stage. “The nonconference schedule will be out in August or September,” he said.

The past season’s nonconference schedule opponents, which included Jackson State, Binghamton, Arkansas-Pine Bluff and Mercer College, have generally been criticized at times as soft teams; however, Sundvold said this past season’s overall RPI (rating percentage index) was in the 70s.

The RPI rating is considered by the NCAA when choosing teams for the NCAA tournament.

“Our non-conference RPI rating this season was in the 200s, but with the Big 12 schedule our overall rating was in the 70s,” he said.

Van De Velde explained that with the Big 12 Conference schedule and the planned nonconference schedule games next season, the RPI will be strong.

“With the Big 12 being as tough as it is, and by adding games against Iowa, Colorado State and possibly Arizona State,” he said, “we won’t need to worry about the RPI.”

Sundvold explained that with all five starters returning, they would like a schedule that best prepares the players for the Big 12 Conference and gets them into postseason play as well.”

“We will have an experienced team with quality players next season,” he said. “We will try to match teams of the same caliber.”

This past season’s Cyclones have gained experience by playing in the post-season NIT and from the grueling Big 12 schedule and tournament.

“We’re really looking forward to next season,” said Sundvold. “The post-season experience will motivate our players during the summer and into next season.”