Women’s soccer club team wins tournament in Iowa City

Sarah Desotel

In their first and next-to-last indoor tournament, the ISU women’s soccer club teams couldn’t have asked for a better outcome.

The club sent two teams to Iowa City to compete.

One of the ISU women’s soccer club teams swept the tournament with five wins and was named tournament champions.

The Cyclones allowed only one goal during the whole tournament.

The second ISU team made it to the semifinals and finished in fourth place.

“It was a great showing at our first tournament as a team,” said Jennet Kramer, junior in materials engineering and club president.

Six teams participated in the tournament, including two teams from the University of Iowa, one from Drake and one from Illinois State.

The ISU women’s soccer club has only one more indoor tournament left, at Loras College in Dubuque.

The club will then begin outdoor play.

Melody Carroll, an academic advisor in industrial education and technology and team spokesperson, said the club would schedule outdoor tournaments as soon as they come about.

The ISU women’s soccer club currently has 20 women who consistently show up for practice, Carroll said.

The club consists of members who barely have any experience playing soccer to those who are former athletes.

The club wishes to eventually double the number of members they have by next year.

Doing this would allow the teams to be split into a traveling team and a team of players who just want to play soccer, Kramer said.

“Anyone who’s interested should come out,” Kramer said. “Even if it’s just for one practice to see if it’s something they’d like to do.”

It’s more than just getting to play soccer, Kramer said.

She said it’s also a great way to meet people.

Any women interested in joining the ISU women’s soccer club should contact Jennet Kramer at [email protected].