LETTER: Candidates beyond Free Speech Zones
March 13, 2003
This is partially in response to the Daily’s article on March 12 (“GSB Election: All Slates Fined for Election Violations”), and partially a vent.
The GSB may want to add “violation of the Free Speech Zone” onto the list of charges against the GSB presidential candidates.
On Tuesday, I was on campus most of the day studying for a test, and naturally went to the Parks Library to study. Imagine my shock when I (almost literally) couldn’t get into or out of the library without being “assaulted” by people asking me if I’ve voted yet.
Normally, I try to avoid and walk around the Free Speech Zones because most of the time it is annoying to be stopped. But let’s face it, unless you are a library employee, there is only one way in or out of the library. There were people asking us if we’d voted or not who were standing on the sidewalk near the main entrance doors, and those sidewalks leading away from the library in all directions … clearly outside of the Free Speech Zone.
I don’t know which campaign they were promoting (because, if I am like 90 percent of the rest of students, I told them I had voted, just to shut them up and kept walking), but it was early mid-afternoon Tuesday.
Maybe I’m off-base. Maybe I’m unclear as to where the Free Speech Zone boundaries are? Perhaps someone could shed some light on the subject? But my guess would be not right in front of the library doors.
Thank you for letting me vent, but in the future, GSB candidates, become familiar with the Free Speech Zone boundaries and abide by them. Thank you.
Justin Brockshus
Political Science