Incentives encourage blood donors to ‘step up to the plate’

Amber Long

Members of the Ames and ISU communities are invited to “Step up to the Plate and Donate” this week at the largest student-run blood drive in the country.

The annual spring blood drive will be March 3-6.

“The blood drive provides Iowa State students with the unique opportunity to unite in support of an extremely worthy cause,” said Molly Thrall, public relations chairwoman for the blood drive and junior in nutritional sciences. “Each individual that chooses to donate can make a difference.”

Thrall said one pint of blood can save up to three lives.

“Together, we can have a huge impact,” she said.

Thrall said the goal for this year’s drive is to receive a record 2,000 donations, despite the fact the blood drive is one day shorter than usual this year. The committee still anticipates more students will donate, she said.

President Gregory Geoffroy will donate his blood on the second day of the drive, Thrall said.

“I am really excited President Geoffroy is taking the time to donate,” she said. “I think his presence at the blood drive sets a great example for the entire Iowa State community.”

Pete Englin, dean of students, will also be donating this year, Dave Wilson, co-director of the blood drive said.

Thrall said incentives like free food and raffle drawings for gift certificates should help with turnout. Some professors are also offering extra credit to students who choose to donate blood, she said.

Wilson said anyone who donates will be entered in a drawing to win prizes, including a hotel stay and Ames-area business gift certificates.

There has been an effort to involve more residence hall floors and faculty members in the blood drive this year, Wilson said. Faculty will compete between departments to have the greatest percent of donors, Wilson said. Residence hall floors will also compete in a similar fashion. There will be prizes for the winners in both groups involved, Wilson said.

“The blood drive committee has worked really hard this semester. They have really raised the bar to go above and beyond the call of duty,” Wilson said. “A large part of the success of this drive is due to their hard work.”

The blood drive is sponsored by the Government of the Student Body, American Red Cross, Mary Greeley Medical Center, Mercy Medical Blood Bank, St. Luke’s Hospital Blood Bank, Southeast Iowa Blood Center and the Blood Center of Central Iowa.

The blood drive begins at 10 a.m. and runs until 5 p.m. each day in the Great Hall of the Memorial Union.