Rock ‘n’ roll-based Kountertop keeps music open-minded

Andrew Mabe

When you walk into the house of brothers Scott and Nick Erickson, it’s impossible not to notice the empty 40-ounce malt liquor bottles and cases of beer lining virtually every wall.

Music and alcohol are just two of the elements keeping their band, KounterTop, going strong in Ames.

Nearly eight years ago, Scott and Nick started playing music together, along with their long-time friend, Nate Guess.

“We were just three hicks that would play in barns,” Scott remembers.

So what has this trio from Paton been doing during their college years?

KounterTop brought their blend of booze-soaked rock ‘n’ roll to Ames in 2000 and has remained open-minded through the years as to what kind of music they’re all about.

“About a year and a half ago, [rapper Thomas Easley] joined us … ” says Nick, senior in mechanical engineering.

“And then he was gone by this past fall,” finishes Scott, junior in marketing.

The Erickson boys finish each other’s sentences as if they are one and the same mind, and claim that they’ve never had any serious disagreements as brothers.

But the brothers admit conflicts of interests have arisen between them and old members of the band.

“The way it started out, we were playing an open mic and [Thomas] asked if he could come up and freestyle with us,” Scott says.

“But then it got to be where he wanted us to be his band and make him the center,” Nick explains.

“He had his songs with us, but we still had our own stuff that we’d been doing for a long time that he wouldn’t fit in with.”

Moving on from this learning experience, KounterTop holds on to the more stable elements of life that will remain faithful to their ways — like beer.

“We’re like Oasis. I’m the drunk and [Nick’s] the songwriter,” Scott jokes. In a more serious tone, admitting that there is truth in jest, he continues, “It’s better now. I used to get pretty drunk before shows, but it’s not such a problem anymore.”

Nick brings the conversation back to the lighthearted end of things by mentioning some of the trio’s ideas for getting better crowd responses at shows.

“We were thinking about having a chugging contest and anyone that could beat Scott would be given some [beverage can] Koozies,” Nick says.

Like most bands, KounterTop has had their share of crazy experiences while performing.

“This one time, we were playing at our aunt’s anniversary party, and Nick was kind of heckling the crowd,” Scott says.

“Then this drunk guy attacked him. Nick just took off running out the back of the stage with his guitar!”

Determined to top his younger brother, Nick has a story to tell as well.

“This one time at MoJazz, Nate was grinding with these sorority girls while playing his bass,” he says.

Despite all of the tomfoolery, KounterTop’s music still has its strong points that set it apart somewhat from other bands on the scene.

“We do a lot of vocal harmony,” Nick says.

Add that to their simple, yet distinguished guitar styles, and you have KounterTop.

Although the members of KounterTop don’t actually think of themselves as being the most exceptional group of talent around, they still know how to have a good time and joke about their image as a band.

“We are the greatest band since the Beatles,” Nick jokes.

Who: KounterTop, Lesser Known Saint, Parallex, The Rock Band

Where: Towers Courtyard

When: 5 p.m. Saturday

Cost: Free