Despite short term, new director for diversity will ‘champion’ issues

Natalie Spray

Government of the Student Body President T.J. Schneider has appointed a new director for diversity to serve on his executive cabinet.

Karla Hardy, junior in sociology, was chosen to fill the position from a field of five applicants. Schneider said he chose Hardy because he believes she has the motivation and drive to take the position and move forward.

Hardy will only fill the position until the end of Schneider’s term as president, unless she is appointed by the next executive, he said.

Myron Batsa, former director for diversity, said he believes Hardy will do well in the position.

“She reminds me of me,” he said. “Her commitment to things she is involved with is amazing.”

Hardy will look at a situation, evaluate it, and go from there, Batsa said.

Although her term may only be a month, she will be able to use her influence to get things accomplished and serve as a liaison between the Office of the Vice President of Student Affairs and students of a diverse nature, he said.

Batsa also said he will be meeting with Hardy to discuss the continuation of the Friday conversations on diversity.

Hardy said she has many goals to accomplish before her term is over. She said she hopes to have at least one more Friday Conversation on Diversity and to set the groundwork for regular and organized meetings.

“Diversity is the buzzword all over the nation,” Hardy said. “I want everyone to be on the same page when that word is used.”

Hardy said she also wants to raise students’ general awareness of GSB. Twenty-five percent of the student body voted two years ago, which was the best turnout GSB had seen in a long time.

“That doesn’t excite me,” she said. GSB needs to make students aware of issues and increase diversity in the senate itself, she said.

Hardy has served as the multicultural outreach and Black Student Alliance chairwoman for Freshman Council. She was a member of the President’s Leadership Class and was a seminar leader for the Freshman Honors Program. Hardy works as a student admissions representative and is also the president of Hanson house in Larch Hall.

“I’ve definitely had my hand in a lot of different things,” Hardy said. “I’d be glad to continue to champion the issue of diversity.”