UFB returns to the M-Shop before European tour

James Mckenzie

Revamped pop-punk band Ultimate Fakebook is making another stop in Ames before a tour through Europe.

UFB will play Saturday at the Maintenance Shop to promote their upcoming EP titled “Before We Spark.” The album, which is the band’s fourth release, shows the same pop sensibility as previous albums, but also adds some new touches.

UFB has also received some recent national acclaim — the video for “Inside Me, Inside You” is slated to be shown on MTV’s “120 Minutes” soon.

Lead guitarist and vocalist Bill McShane spoke Wednesday of his excitement over the new album and upcoming tour.

“We were really having fun and experimenting more than we normally do,” McShane says. “I think just kind of letting go and having fun resulted in coming up with some of our best stuff.”

Bassist Nick Colby says he is also looking forward to the new release, as it will open a lot of doors for the band.

“I’m excited but I really don’t know where it’s going to go,” Colby says. “That’s a good feeling.”

Colby says UFB has recently added a fourth permanent member. J.D. Warnock, former guitarist and vocalist for the Creature Comforts, will now join McShane, Colby and drummer Eric Melin in the studio and on tour.

“It kind of changes a lot of things,” Colby says. “[Warnock]’s got an incredible voice. He’s just really, really good.”

The addition of Warnock will also allow the band to use more vocal harmony and more complex guitar parts, he says.

After the band members hone their skills with Warnock and release “Before We Spark” on May 13, they will depart on their first European tour. The tour will take the band through the United Kingdom, Italy, Switzerland and Germany.

“We’re hooking up with a Swiss band called the Plus Nomination,” McShane says.