Teeth-whitening procedures vary in effectiveness, cost and availability

Joni Reinders

The advantages of having whiter, brighter teeth may come at high prices and some health hazards, according to local dentistry professionals. The options for consumers seeking to lighten the hue of their teeth include both over-the-counter products and professional treatments.

The number one problem with over-the-counter teeth-whitening products is the products that use a tray to hold the bleach in the mouth said Dr. Amie Rockow-Nelson, DDS, Ames Center for Cosmetic and Family Dentistry, 415 S. Duff Ave.

The over-the-counter trays are not custom made to fit an individual’s mouth and excess bleach will settle around the gums, which will damage the gums, Rockow-Nelson said.

“The gum tissue may become red, irritated and sore, which can lead the gums to recede,” Dr. Rockow-Nelson said.

Dr. Mary L. Consamus, of Consamus and Hampton Dental Clinic, 3324 Orion Dr., said the best over-the-counter teeth-whitening product is Crest Whitestrips. She said they’re safe and produce some results.

The Whitestrips are safe because the bleaching agent is a jelly-like substance that does not get on the gums, Rockow-Nelson said. Consumers who use Crest Whitestrips can expect their teeth to be two shades lighter after several uses, Rockow-Nelson said.

Whitening toothpastes have limited benefits, the dentists agreed. The whitening toothpaste may eliminate light surface stains on the teeth but the bleaching agent is not in contact with the teeth long enough to provide substantial results, she said.

“I have used the whitening toothpaste for over a year now and have not seen much of a difference,” said Jamie Fick, undecided sophomore.

The best teeth-whitening option on the market is BriteSmile, Rockow-Nelson said. BriteSmile Whitening Gel is applied to the teeth at a dentists’ office, then a BriteSmile Blue Light shines on the gel and activates the natural teeth-whitening agents.

After three 20-minute applications over a one-hour period, teeth will be, on average, eight shades lighter, she said.

“Your teeth will remain white with proper dental care for up to five years,” Rockow-Nelson said. The procedure, performed in her dental office, costs $550.

“Studies have shown that individuals with nicer teeth get hired more, have better jobs and are perceived better in society,” Rockow-Nelson said. She said this is because society is geared toward cosmetic enhancements and having a white smile has become important.