LETTER: Bible, Christianity define gay as a sin

In last Friday’s Daily, there was an article about aÿpanel discussion involving two gay men and two lesbian women held at St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church (“Panel discussion on church, gays,” Feb. 7). During this time the gay men and women shared their views of being gay and being involved in the Catholic/Christian Church.

Being a sold-out believer for Christ (a Christian), I don’t agree with what these gay individuals think about their involvement in the Church.

Now, I have read the whole Bible through and in all my 20+ years of being a baptized believer, I can say that no where in it does it say that God created, or called “man” to be gay. But, Matt Russell said in this article that “God called him, and created him to be gay.”

This doesn’t make any sense. Correct me if I am wrong, fellow Christians, but doesn’t the Bible and the Catholic Church, to which these people say theyÿbelong to, follow the teachings of the Bible? Genesis 2:24 says that “a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife.” In 1 Corinthians 6: 9-11,ÿPaul says, that “neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders will inherit the kingdom of God.” Later in the chapter Paul says to “flee from sexual immorality,” and many more versus like these can be found.

If you call yourself a Catholic/Christian, you are saying, or suggesting, that you follow the teachings of Jesus and the words of the Holy Bible. That means you follow Biblical teachings like the fact that you are to be married to one person of the opposite sex, as God did call us to do. The Christian Church needs to step up and say that’s enough to sins like homosexuality. They need to follow what the Bible says and then live it out through the grace of God.

Ethan Tews


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