Student voice added to Ames City Council

Scott Rank

Students will now have a voice in city issues. The Ames City Council unanimously adopted a resolution that will appoint the Government of the Student Body President or a designee to the council at its meeting Tuesday.

The student will be an ex-officio member, meaning he or she can’t vote, but can voice input to the council.

Mayor Ted Tedesco said the student member will narrow the gap between the university and the city.

“I think the importance of this position is to have an avenue of communication between the city and student body,” he said.

The meeting began with eight citizens presenting a petition with 480 signatures of residents who don’t want the U.S. to go to war in Iraq. They asked the council to forward the petition to Iowa senators and representatives in Washington, D.C.

“We have the right to petition the government on matters that are of grave concern to all of us,” said Marcia Brink, 2707 Hampton St. Brink cited three ways a war in Iraq would directly affect Ames.

“First, if there’s a war, our local economy will suffer,” she said. “Second, attacking Iraq will undermine the legal process that’s enforced by civilized states. Third, we don’t want members of the military to fight in an illegal, pre-emptive war.”

The petition was met with opposition by Jerry Gardner, 3120 Grove Ave., who didn’t want to be part of a petition that allegedly represented all of Ames.

“I support President Bush and anything he has to do to get rid of Saddam Hussein,” he said.

The council also unanimously approved the second passage of the ban on all-you-can-drink specials. If the third passage is approved at the next city council meeting, the ordinance will go into effect.

During public input, many students spoke against the ordinance. Steve Skutnik, 4912 Mortensen Rd. Apt. 922, said banning unlimited drink specials wouldn’t eliminate binge drinking, but only move heavy drinking to private parties.