Students look to define diversity through forum

Joni Reinders

The Memorial Union Sun Room will be filled with discussion from 2 to 4 p.m. Friday at the second in a series of diversity forums.

ISU students, faculty and staff will meet to discuss “What Does Diversity Mean to Me?” The diversity forum will begin with four panelists who will explain what diversity means to them followed by roundtable discussions.

President Gregory Geoffroy will not be in attendance at Friday’s diversity forum, so it will be led by Thomas Hill, vice president for Student Affairs.

“The main goal of the diversity forums is to come up with a definition of diversity that is acceptable to everybody and find a way to evaluate diversity on campus,” said Myron Batsa, former director of student diversity for the Government of the Student Body and one of the organizers of the events.

Geoffroy called the first diversity forum an “overwhelming success” with almost 400 people in attendance. The first forum focused on what diversity is.

“Diversity is important on our campus because we live in a diverse world and the more exposure to diverse opinions and conversations the better the education of our students,” he said.

Brian Joseph, sophomore in finance, attended the first diversity forum on Jan. 24 and said he thought the diversity forums could be improved if a clear statement of diversity was decided upon.

He also said he believed the forum consisted of mostly faculty and more student involvement would enhance the forums.