Madden will speak at council meeting

Alicia Allen

The role of business and finance in the university’s budget will be discussed at Thursday’s Professional and Scientific Council meeting.

The council, which consists of nonfaculty employees, will hear from Warren Madden, vice president for Business and Finance. He will present “Overview of Business and Finance and Energy Conservation in Relation to the Budget.”

“This is the annual update of business and finance to give perspective of where Iowa State is at,” Madden said. He will address issues such as salary, benefits and personnel, along with discussing budget status information and answering any questions the council may have.

Council member and budget officer Pat Strah said she expects Madden to give a good overall view of business and finance within the institution.

Strah said she enjoys the forums and finds them very informative. “The topics have been good this year,” she said.

Strah said the forums are an important way of keeping people informed.

“They keep P&S employees abreast of current issues,” she said.

The Council hosts open forums on topics of relevance to P&S employees the first Thursday of every month.

Strah encourages council employees and the general public to attend the open forums which will be held from noon until 1 p.m. in the Gallery Room of the Memorial Union.