LETTER: Removing posters limits free speech

Blair Polhamus’ letter on Jan. 31 , “Pro-life group ignores feminism,” has struck a nerve within me. Specifically, her confessed actions of tearing down the posters that had opinions on them that she didn’t agree with.

About a year ago, there was an incident on campus where posters which depicted couples kissing were torn down. There were many who claimed that the posters’ content was offensive, done for shock value and they had no desire to have the content “shoved in their face.”

I think many used the same word you did: Trash.

The primary issue was that some of the posters depicted same-sex kissing. An enormous debate arose regarding the level of intolerance on Iowa State’s campus.

I agreed that those responsible for tearing down the posters were intolerant, ignorant fools. And I would like to bestow that same title on anyone who tears down these pro-life feminist posters. I too may not agree with the group’s beliefs, but I am willing to let them believe and say whatever they want. I will not stoop to trying to squelch those I disagree with.

David Klipec


Computer Engineering